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We are dedicated to transforming our clients' businesses by studying their way of working. This allows us to understand their culture, their people’s potential, and based on that information implement changes with results being noticed from the beginning of each project.

Companies must adapt, adapt their processes to technology, seeking improvement, and investing intelligently. We believe that the change must be from the utmost respect for the business, and without interruptions or sudden changes. The improvement is not advertised, it is not only set as an objective, it is felt when it is done well. 

"Empowering the efficiency of logistics: Our commitment in LATAM Logistics"

At LATAM Logistics, we are fully aware of the significance that it holds the carriage of goods in the business dynamics. For this reason, we dedicate ourselves with passion to provide our valued customers with a contemporary approach and highly optimized, aiming to enhance the processes related to logistics and the supply chain.

Our philosophy is based on the concept of "continuous improvement", a premise that guide our commitment to increase both the quality and the performance of products and processes. To achieve this goal, we undertake a constant analysis and thorough understanding of the elements involved in each phase of the operation. This meticulous approach allows us to identify areas of opportunity and apply adjustments refined, generating tangible results and a positive impact on the competitiveness of the companies that we serve.

From LATAM Logistics, we distinguish ourselves by being the catalyst-edge solutions that strengthen the value chain of our customers, while driving a steady improvement in the vital gear of the logistics and transportation.

"Power up your Business Transformation with the support of new technologies”

Our goal is to get the most out of operations and processes:

"Transformation effective: Methodology of the stages of the hand of the consultants LATAM"

In LATAM, our experts are working on a detailed study following a three-stage methodology:

Analysis of Current Processes (AS IS)

We examine meticulously the existing operations to detect activities duplicate, inefficient or worthless. We understand the current state (AS-IS) from three perspectives: processes, interconnection between departments and systems, concluding with key performance indicators (KPIs) with initial assessment. This stage identifies gaps, challenges in the processes and provides preliminary recommendations.

Model of the Future (TO BE) with KPIs

We design an optimized model of the processes in the future (TO BE) along with the relevant key performance indicators. We constantly monitor and adapt the KPIs to monitor and control the progress.

Complex Optimization

Select optimizers with advanced algorithms, the purpose of which is to reduce costs and increase revenues. These complex algorithms are powerful tools that drive efficiency and profitability in the operation.